A balatoni móka sikeresen megtörtént múlt héten.
Ma 96 kilométert sofőrködtem, 40%ban járhatatlan és nem autóknak kitalált terepen (cserhááát) :D Megpróbáltam összefoglalni tömören a világnézetemet az anyósülésen szűkölködő egyénnek miután bejelentette, hogy Isten BIZTOS, hogy létezett. Erre hátulról egy kiscsaj, akivel akkor találkoztam először életemben, megkérdezte, hogy én a földrajzzal foglalkozom-e, mert neki az jött le, hogy kenem vágom a témát. Felvilágosítottam, hogy közgazdász hallgató vagyok, és amit mondok azt inkább csak úgy filozófiailag feltételezem. De gondolom az ősrobbanásra és a Naprendszerre vonatkozó mondataimra figyelt fel, ami meg azon túl hogy "nekem" fizika, csupán hobbiszinten ragadt a fejemben a gimiből. lényeg a vége 5ruppó
Ezen a héten csak pihengettem, dolgoztam egy keveset anyának, meg olvastam. 1 hónapon belül muszáj voltam 3 Vonnegut könyvet elolvasni, mivel más nemigen akadt a kezemben és nem is biztos, hogy lett volna hozzá kedvem. De tegnap már apuval megrohamoztuk a könyvtárat és beszereztem egy jó vaskos Umberto Ecco- t a változatosság kedvéért, amivel elleszek Efottig. (ő meg benyúlt egy Esterházyt, amit szintén illene elolvasnom)
Apropó: kedden Efott hétvégéig.
Azután jönnek kereszttesóim hozzánk, ami gyakorlatilag egy hetes sport és olvasó tábor, ugyanis mást sem csinálunk egész nap. Most ebben az évben el szeretném vinni őket teniszezni is (nameg főleg magamat, mivel még én sem próbáltam).
Utána "nagyon" régi ismerősökkel egy művészetek völgye.
Nem is maradt más közlendőm, csak az, hogy: Hajrá Spanyolország!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
the wrong approach
Sometimes I make mistakes like for example judge the thigs without fully know the circumstances. Actually it is always happening when it can.
I always have an opponion about everything, and I like to inform the others about it although I don't have the right to criticise.
When 3D and IMAX (i don't know what is the difference) became trendy in Hungary is the same time for me as the Avatar-mania.
I have never been to a 3D film when i sounded my belief that it will destroy all the values of cinema. I tought that people won't need exciting stories or deeper meanings in the action. I tought it's just a higher level of "die hard" style like car crashes, exploding bombs and shattering buildings.
A few weeks ago I decided to see Avatar. Previus expectations (according to my theory): spectacular, exciting and... and nothing else just a 2 and half hours admiration of "modern" technology.
It was spectacular
It was exciting... And I think It had all the values the films have which I like. Most of all I liked that part when it was about the characterization of mankind. Everywhere they (we) go, they make noise, throw trash, destruct the environment. Don't we have the ability to live in harmony with other living beings?
I always have an opponion about everything, and I like to inform the others about it although I don't have the right to criticise.
When 3D and IMAX (i don't know what is the difference) became trendy in Hungary is the same time for me as the Avatar-mania.
I have never been to a 3D film when i sounded my belief that it will destroy all the values of cinema. I tought that people won't need exciting stories or deeper meanings in the action. I tought it's just a higher level of "die hard" style like car crashes, exploding bombs and shattering buildings.
A few weeks ago I decided to see Avatar. Previus expectations (according to my theory): spectacular, exciting and... and nothing else just a 2 and half hours admiration of "modern" technology.
It was spectacular
It was exciting... And I think It had all the values the films have which I like. Most of all I liked that part when it was about the characterization of mankind. Everywhere they (we) go, they make noise, throw trash, destruct the environment. Don't we have the ability to live in harmony with other living beings?
Friday, June 25, 2010
New..New...New.. New...
After this busy year, I had succesfully taken all my exams! Sooo I made two of the three years in this University. One thing left: a crowded last year :)
As I overstepped that confusing first year, now I think there is nothing which could stop me in being graduated. And after that? I have no idea
And now coming the NNEEEWWW astonishing summer! I'm quit tired to think about those activities I'm waiting for month.
Next week: Lake Balaton, then Efott at Pécs with a little interruption in a distiller (or i don't know how to name it) in Szekszárd.
The reason why I'm afraid of these programmes, because I'm "clean" over one month. No parties, alcohol and cigarettes. Just training for the exams, and swimming almost every day. I feel good without those things, and I can't imagine how to make such a bacspace in my life, and on the other hand I would spend some weeks with my friend, relaxing and give a shit to everything...
sweetest agony :)
After these: one and a half month of learning to the exam in September. XD
As I overstepped that confusing first year, now I think there is nothing which could stop me in being graduated. And after that? I have no idea
And now coming the NNEEEWWW astonishing summer! I'm quit tired to think about those activities I'm waiting for month.
Next week: Lake Balaton, then Efott at Pécs with a little interruption in a distiller (or i don't know how to name it) in Szekszárd.
The reason why I'm afraid of these programmes, because I'm "clean" over one month. No parties, alcohol and cigarettes. Just training for the exams, and swimming almost every day. I feel good without those things, and I can't imagine how to make such a bacspace in my life, and on the other hand I would spend some weeks with my friend, relaxing and give a shit to everything...
sweetest agony :)
After these: one and a half month of learning to the exam in September. XD
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