Thursday, May 29, 2008

Kettlebell syndrome

I'm shocked. The Kettlebell really confuses something in my head. Sometimes strange things happen and i can't live my usual life as i did before these actions.
For example when i was about 9 years old i looked up in a dictionary what the word conservative means, when I realised that rivers come from somewhere and when I started profiting from small swindles and lies. The last cut-off point in my life was the disappointment caused by the The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. And now this kettlebell thing...
I hope that someday I'll find the answer to my questions, but when i'll first hear them, they'll confuse me... I'm sure.

Je s'aime

J'étais au lycée aujourd'hui. Ma professeur de francais a annoncé que mon bac de francais est tres bien. J'ai 84% par l'examen écrit. Avec l'examen orale ce pourra etre 86 ou 88%.
Dans l'apres-midi, nous avons bavardé et nous avons joué billard. tres interessante, n'est ce pas?
Maintenant je vais regarder un film, apres je vais lire.
Un person n'est que absent... mais je n'ai déja lui connu pas.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Waiting for tomorrow

I think I'm over that distressed period...
There is an Offspirng song called: Dammit i changed again. Now, i can see clear, and i'm free.
My life is going to change tomorrow. I gave up smoking last week (not so long ago), and i found a partner to do sports with. my father was not the best one, and i have tried "some" people, but now i found a mec who is a sportsmen and with who i can chating and joking. So tomorrow i'll get up at 5h30.
If i mentioned Offspring, it causes me difficulties. because i hasitate between two festivals: the Volt, and Hegyalja. I can't make my mind. Which one would be better for me? Both have fantastic programmes (the Volt's includes Offspring).
i'll decide in a week.
I've done my work. I earned 3 thousand HUF. It was an easy job. ohh. jobs. I've written instances, and enclosures to this year's bookkeepings. I only had to know how to use M.Word and Excel. And I know.
In the summer, i'll have two big programmes. The first one is: go to Volt or Hegyalja Festival, the other one is a family trip to Turkey.

By Tomorrow, I start my entertaining new life.
I wish that in the future i'll ignore depressive weeks like the last one.
happy, happy Holiday to everyone!
(fact: seven days without income-calls. But today I realised what i can get from my friends)

Monday, May 26, 2008

Óóó, Ember!

Szomorú estére alkonyodtunk. Szombaton hagytam el utoljára a házat. Csütörtök óta 1 kimenő hívás. Semennyi bejövő. 2 sms. Szomorú. Kissé jelentéktelen vagyok. Bocsánatot kérek. De amúgy: én ezt így nembírom tovább.


Saturday night i wanted to watch a Woody Allen film which started at 11 o'clock. I missed it cause i've already fallen into sleep. Last night there was a film which started ten minutes before midnight. I very proud (not prude) of me that i managed to kept myself awake, and i watched it. It was about how to find rich men, and how to profit. But during the girl pulled the buffoon's legs, she has fallen in love with a poor one. It was really instructive.
the problem is that good films are in late evening and i have to learn how to rest before them. Maybe i will sleep sometimes in the afternoon.
I want to go to a concert on Saturday. Perhaps I will ask some of my friends to come with me. Perhaps not. That "Last week" still hurts. And as i see this one will be the same.
btw this is my last week at home with myself. During the summer we're going to have a lot of guests and friends, and my parents won't go to work... So i "say goodbye" to this unbearable solitude.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

After the Death of Me

i like these days. things go well with my father. We went cycling in the week-end and we talk to each other. This is nice. but if just look at the other side... It was one of my most loneliest week in this year. Maybe that's the reason why I have read two books during 5 days. It's not usual.
if you have already heard about the English alternative band called Bloc Party, and if you have heard their song: I Still Remember (or Hunting for witches)... Then you have the possibility to imagine what i feel now...

Some words about my "bac de francais": It was more difficult than i expected. I think i didn't have enough straight tip, but I had some "nearly straight one". We had to write two letters. I've written a whole letter about "18 bottle of wine". It wasn't appropriate. My teacher suggested that it was a big fault.
So... hmm. not so... rather S.O.S. ---> It means. Somebody Oughtto Saveme!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

En aimant...

Aujourd' hui j'ai étudié la grammaire francais en écoutant la musique (par example Kaukázus, Foo Fighters). J'ai realisé que il y a le gérondif, le subjonctif et les conditionnels qui sont trés intéressants et utiles. J'ai aussi étudié moins sorte d'utilisation d'infinitif. Le résultat est plus mauvais que les réclames entre des episodes de South Park.
Si tout va bien, je recevrai une bonne note. Demain est le jour le plus problématique (bac de francais).

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Everything collepses

I told my mum last night before the party that I'll get home around ten or eleven o'clock in the evening and I came home half past six in the morning. She was really upset and told me that she won't give pocket money again. I know that i was in an elegant eight hours late but that so sirious. I won't have money. Dommage!
I don't know if it is worth all-in-all, but it was a nice party.
Now I sould learn french but as I haven't sleep this night I'm just like a zomby and do nothing.
Tomorrow I WILL learn.

Friday, May 16, 2008


I managed to correct that problem. Maybe i did the roght thing. :)
Today we'll have a party. We're going to meet each other at 6 o'clock and I hope that we'll go the pub called Nevada. This is muck bigger and interesting than the ususal Svejk.
I have to learn a lot this afternoon. French and Math. and week-end is going to be about how much I can learn.
Btw, This is a special day, because if i'm right today my mother effect an insurance for me. it's not the life insurance, cause I've already have that, but something in connection with prperty. She knows...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Aprés "LE"

J'ai fait autour de 15 km ce jour, c'était trés méchant. Il y avait trois problémes: je, il et nous. Et deux solutions. Tu n'es pas faux si tu penses que je choisi la pire. Je ne doit pas permettre pour les influences des autres. Je doit apprendre que il n'y a rien que/qui est plus important que ......

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I appriciate this blog

There are not many posts in this blog so this evening I've read them, and realised that I like forgetting things. For example I've totally forgotten someone with who I was in love in january and I also forgotten my agony of the New Year's Eve.
On the other hand it's very positive 'cause I can do it again if necessary... the problem is: I don't want.

I just can't deal with them...

Maintenant je voudrais apprendre pour mes bacs mais c'est un excercise le plus difficile que je peut imaginer.
J'ai déja fait des bacs écrits.
Demain je voudrais aller au tour de velo avec mes copains. J'hesite parce que "mes copains" sont deux mecs tres problématique pour moi. Je ne sais pas si je doit faire ce tour. D'autre part mon bac de francais sera le semain aprés. Je suis tres triste. Apres six ans je ne parle que la langue de base et je ne sais jamais la grammaire. Hmm. C'est la vie.
Est-ce que c'est possible de recommencer ma vie?