Monday, June 16, 2008

La pressure (?)

J'étais au lycée ce matin et je suis rencontrée avec ma professeur de francais. Elle est la plus chére at la plus sage femme que je connais. Nous avons bavardé des sujets de bac. C'était un peu de déception pour moi, parce que je sais que je doit apprendre plus. Mais elle n'a pas oublié de me mémoire.
Totalmant, j'ai fait la natation. Je me suis réveillé á 6 heures.
Uhhh. Trois jours ... trois jours pour apprendre tous.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Yesterday was strange

Yesterday I was in a dilemma, because I was invited to St by my football fan friends. we planned to watch the portuguese against the czeshoslovakaians. I had two reason to not to go. The first one is that I have not gone swimming for two days. And yesterday my neighbour came home so i had a partner. And the second reason is that all of my friends are fans of the portuguese, and i hate them.
So, I think it was a good decision. I went swimming about 5 o'clock and then we had to come home relatively early because of the rain. During swimming It turned out that my neighbour have a symphaty for the czeshoslovakians rather than portuguese. So we discussed that we watch the TV together. It was fun. Especially his father.
At the and of the game we were a bit drunk (3 beers for two).

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Plus on le sait, et moins on dort

J'écoute Unswabbed maintenant. Ils ont beaucoup de chanson qui est tres bonne. Par example Jusqu'á l'aube et Un monde parfait.
Bref, je doit apprener pour mes examens. Le plus difficile est le francais.
Mais je n'apprends pas beaucoup á cause d' Europen League. Je veux les espagnoles de gagner.

Friday, June 6, 2008

having some para

Puff. i will have my Math exam on Monday. But we'll have party at night. as usual.
Maybe a i'll get home before midnight. maybe just in the morning.
I'm also planning my Holiday programme these days. It includes Italy, Turkey, Hungary (surprise,surprise...) . so with and without friends i nearly filled my calendar.
I go swimming every morning. It really exhauste me. And my shoulders are more and more ... Never mind. I'm planning to wash my hair. I didn't wash it since Tueasday. Perhaps it will happen just before the exam. ..
Exam??? wwááááh. para-norm-ALL.

Monday, June 2, 2008


Friday night i was in a pub called Nevada with some of my friends. And then Saturday was the day of my biggest parties ever! At the weekend there was a festival in Budapest. It was an "opening-summer" music festival with alternative and rock bands like: Kaukázus, Sajnos Batár and Kiscsillag. i tought that it is just a "small" festival but there was a french band: En Vrac, and a polish one: Geronimo (it is the name of the band). It was fun. In the night we went to another concert. And we got home about 5 o'clock in the morning. I want more days like this!